The first township meeting after the organization was held in April of the same year, when John Card was elected Supervisor, John Curless, Clerk, and Richard Walsh, Treasurer. Philip Mickle, in 1847, was the first white man to settle in this township permanently. His location was on section 36, on land owned by Isaac S. Bockee. Mr. Mickle also built the first house, a frame 14xl6, which he kept as a tavern. This was within the limits of what is now the village of Oakley. Other parties soon began to settle in the township, among whom were Josiah F. Coy, Richard Walsh, Frank O'Connor, John Haley, Michael Keyes and Sam. Whitney. Brady township embraces 37½ sections of land. The surface is somewhat broken, and heavily timbered with black walnut, oak, beech, maple, elm, ash and basswood, and in the north part some pine. Maple sugar grounds are somewhat extensive. The soil is various, sandy, gravelly and clayey in different places. It is drained by numerous small streams—the western half by the south branch of Mad river. The first school-house was erected in 1855, on the northwest quarter of sec. 32, Frank O'Connor's name being the first on the petition for this building. Mary Dodge was the first teacher. The first post office was established in 1863, on sec. 32, when Josiah F. Coy was appointed the postmaster.
The following is a transcript from the records of the Board, in session Jan. 10, 1856: WHEREAS, The application of fourteen freeholders, residents of the following unorganized territory, to-wit: Township No. nine (9) north, of range No. two (2) east, and township No. nine (9) north, of range No. one (1) east, has been duly made to organize said territory into a new township, and a map thereof having been furnished the Board of Supervisors of Saginaw county: and, whereas, a notice in writing of such application, subscribed to by not less than twelve of said freeholders, has been duly published and posted according to the statute in such case made and provided. Therefore, be it ordered; That the above described territory be, and the same is hereby duly organized into a township, to be known and designated by the name of Brady, which said township is described as being within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the county of Saginaw and State of Michigan: and be it further ordered that the first annual meeting for the election of township officers in said township, be held at the house of J. F. Coy, in said township of Brady, on the first Monday in April next, and that the following named persons, Daniel Burrows, Richard Walsh and Josiah F. Coy, be, and they are hereby designated and appointed to preside at such election, and to perform all the duties required by the statute in such case made and provided.
The number of farms in this township is 146. The number of acres of improved land in 1880 was 4,156. The productions of the township, 18,401 bushels of wheat; 26,740 bushels of corn; 8,684 of oats, and by the assessment of 1880, there were in the limits of Brady, 246 horses, 304 cows, other cattle 345, hogs 302, sheep 1,073. The Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw railroad passes across its southeastern corner. It was finished in 1867. The only postoffice or railroad depot in the township is on the road at Oakley village. The township was named in honor of General Brady, of Detroit. The population in 1850 was 1,248.
Methodist.—The first religious meetings held in the township were in the village, and presided over by Rev. Mr. Clough, a Methodist minister, who organized a class here in 1867. Baptist.—The next meetings were held by the "Close Baptists," who erected a church building in 1871. This was the first church building in the township. The Church was heavily in debt, and it was finally lost to the society under foreclosure of mortgage. The building was then bought by the Free-Will Baptists, subject to mortgage; but in 1878 they also relinquished the building to the mortgagee, and gave up their organization at the same time. Christ Church, of Oakley Village, was organized in the spring of 1878, under the ministerial guidance of Rev. Horatio A. Barker, its only and present pastor. The ranks of this society were swelled by accessions from the Free-Will Baptists, who gave up their own organization to join this. The first meetings of the society were held for little more than a year in a room over a saloon; but in 1870 a church building 22x34 feet was completed, and dedicated the first Sabbath after Christmas, 1879, its pastor preaching the dedicatory sermon. There are 30 members, and a Sunday-school of 51 pupils. This Church is on the Congregational plan, but does not believe in denominationalism in religion, maintaining that all Christians of any place should associate themselves together, and be the "Church " of that place. Catholic Church.---Previous to 1879, the members of this Church were obliged to go a distance of 14 to 18 miles to attend places of worship, either to Owosso or Corunna. During this year they bought the building formerly owned by the Baptists, for $600 the church being bought and the money subscribed and paid on the same day. The first pastor was Father James Wheeler, who still has charge of the parish. When the church was purchased the congregation consisted of but 11 families, the heads of which were Richard Walsh, James Ryan, James Whelan, John Haley, Patrick Koyne, Frank O'Connor, Dennis Brennan, Wm. Fitzgerald, Michael Devaney, Michael Keyes, Cyrus Lingel and Michael Halanan. These all paid something for the church-building. The society also owns a nice cemetery of three acres, on sec. 31, Chesaning township.
There are eight schoolhouses in the township, including one in the village, having a seating capacity of 442 pupils. The number in attendance in 1880 was 344, while the number of teachers employed was 16, three of them being males. The whole number of teachers average three and one-half months' time, and receive salaries averaging $79.25 each. The village district has school nine months, while the other seven districts averaged six and seven-tenths months each. The records of elections prior to 1874 have all been destroyed by fire. Since that date the following officers have served: Supervisors—S. Harder, 1874; Nelson Phy, 1875; G. W. Sackrider, 1876-'81. Clerks—Gordon C. Roosa, 1874-'5; James N. Smith, 1876-'81. Treasurers—John Kidney, 1874; W. B. Mickles, 1875-'8; S. W. Wickham, 1879-'80; W, B. Mickles, 1881. Justices of the Peace—G. W. C. Smith, elected in 1874; H. L. Tobias, 1875; James Smith, 1876; Moses Wooll, 1877; Jacob Armstrong, 1878; G. W. C. Smith, 1879; H. J. Barrett, 1879; James Smith, 1880; Jacob Armstrong, 1881.
This pleasant and thriving little place is located on the J., L. & S. R. R. in Brady township. It was surveyed and platted by Andrew Huggins, Feb. 23, 1868, the plat being put on record Sept. 7. of the same year. The owners of the land were Isaac S. Bockee, Henry Parshall and Philip Mickle, under whose supervision the plat was made. The village was named in honor of Judge Oakley, of Dutchess Co., N. Y. who was an uncle of one of the proprietors. The population of this village in 1880 was 350. Its business is represented by three dry-goods stores, two groceries, two drug and grocery stores and two hardware stores. A steam stave and heading factory, which employs 40 men and boys,—with a daily capacity for making 25,900, staves and 2,500 sets of headings,—is run by a 40-horse-power engine. It is owned by F. Hood & Co., and superintended by P. Mahoney. There are also two millinery shops, one wagon shop, two blacksmith shops, and one hotel,—the "Brady House," kept by Peter Hendrick. The amount of business done annually in the village is $200,000. Oakley Lodge. No. 198, I. O. O. F., was chartered Feb. 21, 1871, the organizers being, Samuel Harder, N. G.; Charles D. Lapham, V. G.: Peter Hendrick, P. S.; I. H. Wright, B. S.; and Franklin Cain. T. The present officers are: John N. Phy. N. G.; Horace-Hodge. V. G.; C. F. Wright, R. S.; A. E. Harrington. P. S.; Nelson Phy, T. Present number of members, 32.
There is also a prosperous Good Templar lodge in the village, organized in the winter of 1880-'1.
Personal sketches of some of the representative citizens of this township are here given as an essential part of its history: Rev. H. A. Barker, Oakley, Mich., is a descendant of Joseph Barker, a native of Connecticut, who settled in Rutland Co., Vt., before the Revolutionary war. Joseph Barker was the father of 15 children, one of whom, Augustus, was born at Brandon, Vt., May 22, 1786. He was married at Attica, N. Y., June 18, 1812, to Polly Eastman, who bore him 5 children. One son, Horatio Allen, was born May 27, 1826, and is the subject of this sketch. In the fall of 1845 Augustus Barker removed with his family to Oneida, Eaton Co., Mich. The same winter Horatio taught his first school, at Eaton Rapids, being then 19 years of age. He taught school for several years, always with unbounded success. While teaching at Leoni, in the winter of 1846-'7, he made an open profession of his faith in Christ, and in March, 1848, united with the Free-Will Baptist Church, at Chester, Eaton Co., Mich. In the fall of the same year he transferred his membership to the organization at Lansing, and undertook the herculean task of building up a church at that point. In 1851 he was the only male member in the body of worshipers. He labored earnestly, giving all his wages toward the erection of the building, and it was finally dedicated in the spring of 1852, by Elder H. S. Leinbacker, and was the first church building in the now city of Lansing. Mr. Barker's ministerial career has extended over a period of 29 years, he being ordained to preach in the summer of 1852. He has labored in the churches at Lansing, Leoni, Stockbridge, Lee, Lexington, Oneida, Salem, Green Oak, in Michigan, and from 1856 to 1860, at Gilbert Mills, Oneida Co., and Springville and East Concord, in Erie Co., N. Y. From 1861 to 1862 he was in the law office of John W. Longyear, of Lansing, being admitted to the bar in September, 1861. While preaching at Green Oak, Mich., in 1876, he became convinced that the spirit of sectarianism pervading the Christian people was entirely detrimental to the cause of his Master, and he therefore resolved to retire from the ministry, which he did for over a year. While visiting at Oakley, Mich.; he was invited to preach to the people, and subsequently received an invitation to preach to the people, and subsequently received an invitation to become their pastor. He immediately explained his sentiments in regard to Christianity, and agreed to accede to their request if all denominations would drop their sectarianism and unite in one great Church. They agreed to do so, and in the spring of 1878 a Church was organized. Rev. Barker located there in the fall, and a chapel was built and dedicated Dec. 28, 1879. He opened a mercantile establishment in the village, where he is still engaged in business. He is an earnest, practical and instructive minister, and an unwavering supporter of the temperance cause. He was formerly a Free-Soiler, then an Abolitionist, and subsequently a Republican, although possessing strong Greenback tendencies at present. He was married at Stockbridge, Mich., Nov. 15, 1855, to Mary Jane Soule. Rev. Barker's portrait is given in this volume on page 257. William H. Beardsley, son of Hiram and Mary Beardsley, was born in Livingston Co., Mich., Dec. 14, 1849. His parents were natives respectively of New York and New Jersey, and located in Michigan as early as 1828. William was educated in the Howell Union school, and in Oct., 1876, came to Oakley, where be kept the Oakley House, then started a saloon, and subsequently a livery stable. He was married Jan. 5, 1875, to Esther M. Hosley, daughter of William Hosley, and born in Livingston Co., Mich., Nov. 12, 1853. They have 2 children—Ethel F., born Feb. 16, 1878, and Maud, born March 9, 1880. Jonathan W. Bennett, farmer, secs. 10 and 11, was born in Erie Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1830. His parents were Seldon and O11ie Bennett, the former of whom was born in Addison Co., Vt., Aug 10, 1788, and served in the war of 1812; the latter was a native of the same county, and departed this life when Jonathan was 14 years of age. From the age of 4 to 16 years, Mr. Bennett lived in Lake Co., O., and at the latter period removed to New York, where, on Aug. 26, 1862, he enlisted in Co. A, 82d Reg. Pa. Vol. Inf., serving till July 19, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. The following August he located in Brady tp., where he owns 125 acres of land. He was married Sept. 8. 1853, to Irene Dean, a daughter of Ephraim and Mary Dean, and born in Erie Co., Pa.. Oct. 22, 1829. Of the 3 children given them, 1 is living-George H., who was born March 30, 1858, and on Oct. 20, 1875 married Celia Carson, who was born Feb. 10, 1862. Morris and Ephraim are deceased. Mr. Bennett is a Republican. Dr. E. D. Clarke was born June 26, 1823, at N. Troy, N. Y. His parents were Wm. B. and Typhosa Clarke, of Massachusetts and Connecticut. He was married in 1846 to Miss Sabina Burnett, who died in February, 1853. Two children blessed their marriage, both deceased. He was again married April 9, 1861, to Miss Maria Wood, daughter of Alonzo and Angelina Wood, of Ulster and Cortland counties, N. Y., respectively. He commenced reading medicine with Dr. Briggs, of Orange Co., N. Y., when 15; remained with him one year and then :pent two years with Dr. Ballow; attended the Buffalo t Reg., Medical College in 1848, and in 1849 came West, examined the country and returned. In 1866 he attended the New York (Reg.) Medical College, where he would have graduated in one month longer, but was called from college. He spent the season of 1864 at Fairfax Seminary. Fairfax Court House, Va.. where he assisted Dr. G. W. Peer as army surgeon. In 1868 he came to Chesaning and began practicing. He established a large practice in Chesaning, and remained there until 1880, when he moved upon his farm. Dr. C. is a member of the Episcopal Church, a 32d-degree Mason, and belongs to the Detroit Commandery and Sovereign Consistory; is also an Encampment member of the I. O. O. F. He is a cousin of Freeman Clarke, the financier of Rochester, N. Y. He owns 80 acres of land on sec. 12, worth $3,500. In politics he is a Democrat. David Coy, farmer, sec. 32, was born at Collins, Erie Co., N. Y., August, 1833. When nine years of age his parents removed to Morrell Co., O., where he was reared and educated. His parents were Josiah F. and Louisa Coy, the former of whom was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died July 14, 1877, aged 84 years. Mr. Coy's grandfather was a soldier under Washington, and died at the ripe age of 96 years. His mother died Feb. 16, 1865. David came to Brady tp. in 1851, being the second person to locate in the tp. He was married Feb. 7, 1857, to Celinda Peavy, who was born in De Kalb Co., Ill., Aug. 31, 1840. Of their 4 children, 2 survive- Sarah J. and Minnie C. Elias E. and Marion D. are deceased. Mr. Coy and wife are members of the United Brethren Church. He is Democratic in politics, and owns a farm of 40 acres. Harrison Deforest, agriculturist, sec. 24; was born near Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., March 24, 1823. His parents were Luther and Mary A. (Cunningham) Deforest. His father was born in Massachusetts in 1796, of French ancestry, and his mother was born in New York, of Irish descent. They are both still living. He was born and raised on a farm. In the spring of 1858 he removed with his parents to Niagara Co., Canada. When 21 years of age he went to Porter Co., Ind., and engaged in farming for himself. After residing there two years he went to Sanilac Co., Mich., where he remained 30 years, and then removed to Brady tp., in the spring of 1874. He bought 60 acres of land on sec. 24, 57 of which are under cultivation. Nov. 14, 1846, he married Martha M., daughter of Johanna Spencer, who was born in Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1830. They have had 12 children, 10 of whom are living-John, born in Zorey tp., Canada, Feb. 3, 1849; the remainder were horn in Sanilac tp., Sanilac Co., Mich.-Mary A., born Oct. 22, 1851; William H., born Dec. 8, 1853; Walter, born April 4, 1855; James, born June 16, 1857; Luther, born May 4, 1859; Calvin, born Jan. 4, 1861; Martha M., born March 16, 1863; Abigail, born July 4, 1866, and George, born Aug. 5, 1871. In politics Mr. D. is a Republican, and himself and wife are members of the M. E. Church. The deceased are Roxena and Sarah. John Healey, an enterprising farmer of Brady tp., was born in Duncliffe Parish, County Sligo, Ireland, in 1824, and is a son of Matthew and Catherine Healey. He was reared and educated in Ireland, and in 1850 came to America. After residing one and a half years in New York city, he came to Brady tp., and can be classed among its hardy pioneers. He owns 400 acres of land. He was married Jan. 26, 1852, to Bridget O'Connor, daughter of Michael and Catherine O'Connor, of Ireland. They have 6 children—Matthew, Bernard, Martin, John, Margaret A. and Catherine. The family are members of the Roman Catholic Church, at Oakley, to the building of which Mr. Healey was a liberal contributor. He is a strong advocate of the principles of Democracy. Samuel F. Hoffman, of Sackrider & Hoffman, merchants, Oakley, Mich., was born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., May 19, 1835. His parents were John and Anise (Farmer) Hoffman. Samuel F. grew to manhood in Ohio, and in 1857 went to Delhi, Ingham Co., Mich., where he was engaged in business for seven years. He then engaged in agricultural pursuits for two years, at the expiration of which time he went to Havana, operating a grist-mill there for two years. He then came to Oakley, and formed a partnership with George W. Sackrider, in the mercantile trade. He was married March, 1866, to Ida Polhemus, who was born near Batavia, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1845. Of the 7 children given them, 6 are living—Carrie E., Julia L., Clarence, Lester, Marsh and Floyd. Jennie is deceased. Mr. Hoffman was Postmaster at Delhi for quite a period. He is a Mason. and politically a Democrat. Michael Keyes, one of the oldest and most successful farmers in Brady tp., was born in Kilkenny Co., Ireland, and came to this country in the spring of 1849. He settled in Niagara Co., N. Y., where he remained three years, and then came to Brady tp., in the fall of 1852, and bought 120 acres of Government land on sec. 26. He now owns 320 acres, 80 of which are under cultivation. He owns a nice residence and barn valued at $3,600. He has 5 children —Catherine, Nicholas, Jennie, William and Ellen. In politics he is a Democrat. The family are members of the Roman Catholic Church. John Kidney, jr., son of John, sr., and Melinda (Butler) Kidney, was born at Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, May 3, 1830. He was born and raised on a farm, and at the age of 25 learned the cooper's trade, which he worked at for five years. He was married in Spencer tp., Lucas Co., Ohio. Oct. 5, 1855, to Harriet Coon, who was born in Oswego Co., N. Y., Nov. 13, 1836, and, is a daughter of Prosser and Charilla Coon. They have 4 children—Eugene E., born in Erie Co., Ohio, May 27, 1857; Elmer E., born in Lucas Co., Ohio, July 1, 1860; Irving A., born in Erie Co., Ohio, Jan. 1, 1865; and Edith C., born in Brady tp., Sept. 1, 1873. Mr. K. came to Brady tp. in 1865, and bought 120 acres of land in sec. 24. The country was quite new and very thinly settled when he carne here. He has cleared 60 acres of land alone. He has held the office of Tp. Treasurer two years, also school offices for several terms. In politics he is a Republican. Patrick Koyne, a prominent citizen of Brady tp., was born in Capitagel Parish, County Galway, Ireland, in 1820. His parents were Edward and Mary Koyne. In 1843 Patrick emigrated to America, and remained on a farm in Dutchess Co., N. Y., for nine years. After two years in Boston, and about one year in New York, he came to Saginaw county, and enjoys the honor of being the third person to locate in Brady tp. He was married in 1849 to Margaret O'Connor, and of the 8 children born to them, 7 are living—Edward, Mary, John, Margaret, Catherine, Thomas and Alice. Mr. Koyne and family are members of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. K. is a Democrat, and owns 320 acres of land on secs. 28 and 33. Daniel Mahoney, foreman in the Oakley Stave and Heading factory, was born in Clinton Co.. N. Y., May 10, 1847. His parents, Jeremiah and Catherine Mahoney, were natives of Ireland, and emigrated to the United States in 1840. Daniel received his education in the Academy at Plattsburg, N. Y. In 1870 he went to St. Clair, Mich., where he served a three years' apprenticeship at the carpenter and joiner's trade. He assumed his present position Jan. 1, 1880. He was married May 10, 1875, to Katie, daughter of James and Mary Ryan. Mrs. Mahoney was born in Clinton Co., N. Y., Feb. 17, 1857. One child born to them is deceased. Mr. Mahoney is Democratic in politics, and owns 80 acres of land in St. Charles tp., and the same amount in Swan Creek tp. Himself and wife are members of the Catholic Church. Arnold W. Miller, sr., a respected pioneer of Brady tp., was born at Westfield, Orleans Co., Vt., Nov. 9, 1823. His parents were Simpson and Rowena (Wells) Miller, natives of Windham Co., Vt. Here these parents reared a family of 13 children. 7 boys and 6 girls, of which there are living 5 boys and 2 girls, and here Mr. Miller passed his days until 21, when he left the home of his nativity and procured work in the manufactory of Ames & Co., Abbottville (now Chicopee), Mass. Here he remained for two or three years and then learned the molder's trade, and went to work for Sizer & Co., Springfield, Mass. From there he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and worked four years for the same firm. Returning to Vermont he purchased a farm, worked on it through the winter, became disgusted with the long cold winters, returned to Cleveland, worked in the shop and foundry for a while, became tired of the business and embarked in the grocery trade; having no experience and a poor partner, he soon ran the commercial race to an end. Mr. Miller then determined to locate permanently. He made a trip to Iowa, did not like the prairie lands, returned and determined to try Michigan. He therefore, with his family, left Ohio for Michigan, arriving at Chesaning, Sept. 12, 1854. He located 320 acres of land on secs. 14 and 23, which he improved until it is now of great value. He moved upon his land in October, 1854, and began life anew. He cleared four acres the following spring and raised some corn and potatoes. His family were taken with the ague in the fall, and he was compelled (there being no help in the country procurable) to remain in the house four weeks, and as soon as they were well, he was taken down and remained in his bed for more than a month. From this time on, by hard labor and economy he continued to prosper, and gave to each of his sons 80 acres of land.
Mr. Miller, at the breaking out of the war, concluded to give his services, and life if need be, to his country, and enlisted in Co. G, 3d Mich. Cav.; served four years and five months, and was honorably discharged at Jackson, Mich., March 12, 1866. He has filled various tp. offices, and all of them with credit to himself and honor to his fellow men. He is a strong Republican and a member of the P. of H. He was married in March, 1847, to Philanda Baldwin, who was born near Springfield, Mass., Oct. 22, 1824. Five children have been given them, namely: Helen, wife of Andrew Hamilton, born March 19, 1849; Chas. A., born Jan. 9, 1854; Arnold W., jr., born Dec. 22, 1856, and married Emma Conger; Rachel, born July 10, 1861, and Carrie P., wife of Albert Conger, born Dec. 31, 1862. Mr. Miller's portrait is given on page 293 of this volume. Marcus Morris is a descendant of Arthur Morris, a Scotchman, who accompanied his two brothers, Cyrus W. and Nathaniel, from England to America in 1749. Nathaniel settled in the Southern States, where he lived and died. Arthur and Cyrus W. settled in Allegheny Co., Pa., where both died. Robert Morris, the father of Marcus, was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Nov. 25, 1819, and his wife, Ellen, was born in Columbia Co., O., in 1824. They were married in 1842, and now reside in Hillsdale Co., Mich. Marcus Morris was born in Columbia Co., O., April 17,1852. He followed school-teaching for three years, and Nov. 25, 1879, he came to Oakley and opened a drug store. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Masonic fraternities, and votes with the Republican party. He was married May 7, 1874, to Katrina A. Roberts, who was born in Hillsdale Co., Mich., Dec. 3, 1855. Her parents were Charles and Aurilla Roberts, the former of whom served 30 years as conductor on the P., Ft. W. & C., F. & P. M., and P. & G. W. railroads. He volunteered his services as nurse during the prevalence of the yellow fever in Memphis in 1879, and died three days after his arrival there. Four children have been given Mr. and Mrs. Morris, 3 of whom are living-Bertha E., born J uly 29, 1376, Aprilla, born April 2, 1878, and Mabel, born Sept. 13, 1880. Winifred is deceased. Mr. Morris and wife are members of the M. E. Church. Nelson Phy, second son of Nicholas and Betsy (Plank) Phy, was born in Knollsville, Orleans Co., N. Y., May 18, 1830. He was born and reared on a farm, until, at the age of 17, he learned the carpenter and joiner's trade, at which he worked for 16 years. He moved to Troy tp., Oakland Co., Mich., in the fall of 1834, where he resided 20 years, during which time he was married Dec. 25, l852, to Caroline M. Newton, daughter of Isaac Newton, born May 4, 1834, in Massachusetts. He came to Brady tp. Dec. 18, 1854, and bought 160 acres of land on sec. 24, 115 of which are under cultivation. He is one of the oldest settlers in Brady tp. When he arrived winter had set in, he had no team, no house, no provisions, and just $20 to procure them with. He worked two years without a team, during which time he cleared 12 acres of land, on which he raised corn, potatoes, etc.; his potatoes he dug with a grubbing hoe; his corn yielded very largely, having 156 bushels of ears per acre. He has 2 children, both born in Brady tp.-John N. born Nov. 11, 1856, and William Sydney, born Oct. 30, 1859. Mr. Phy also, served in the army of the Cumberland over four years. He enlisted in Chesaning, Saginaw Co., Mich., in October, 1861, in Co. G, 3d Regt. Mich. Cav., under Capt. T. V. Quackenbush, and was engaged in 42 battles and skirmishes. After serving over two years he re-enlisted in the Veteran Corps, and served altogether about four and one- half years. He is a Republican. Hon. George M. Sackrider, merchant, Oakley, Mich., was born in Jackson Co., Mich., Sept. 8, 1842, and is a son of Christian and Jane A. Sackrider. Mr. Sackrider passed his youth on a farm, receiving his education in the Grass Lake union schools. In 1868 he engaged in the mercantile and lumber trade at Mason, Ingham Co., Mich., and in 1870 put a saw-mill into operation at Oakley. In Feb. 1875, he entered into the mercantile trade with S. F. Hoffman. He was married Jan. 26, 1869, to Ellen E. Clark, who was born at Hamilton, Canada, Nov. 5, 1847, and is a daughter of Peter S. and Ellen E. Clark. Of the 6 children given them, 5 are living-Jane E., George P., Emmett, Charles and Louis. Fred is deceased. Mr. Sackrider has served one term in the Legislature, and filled various tp. offices. He is a Mason, a Democrat and a large land-owner. William Smeaton, one of the most valiant defenders of the Union during the late unpleasantness, was born in Burthshire, Scotland, Oct. 5, 1840. His parents, Alexander and Catherine Smeaton, immigrated to America in 1855, and first located in New York city. After residing at the latter place one year, they removed to Canada, where William grew to manhood. In 1861 they settled in Saginaw county, and Sept. 1, 1864, William enlisted in Co. C, 29th Reg. Mich. Vol. Inf., and at the battle of Decatur, Alabama, on Oct. 26, 1864, he was severely wounded, and was finally discharged June 5, 1865. He has received quite a sum of "back pay," and draws a pension of $18 monthly. He was married Oct. 1, 1858, to Sarah Patterson, who bore him 1 child, Mary A., wife of Henry Griffus. Mrs. Smeaton died in Oct., 1863, and Mr. Smeaton, was again married, Nov. 9, 1867, to Mary E. Lowe, daughter of David and Sarah J. Lowe, and born at Geneseo, Livingston Co., N. Y., March 23, 1851. This union has been blessed with 6 children, 5 of whom are living-Robert D., Alexander, Ettie A., Mary E. and David. Sarah is deceased. Mr. Smeaton is a loyal Republican. Alonzo Snow, hardware merchant, Oakley, was born in Vermont, March 18, 1832, and seven years later accompanied his parents to Chicago, Ill., where he was reared and educated. He was married Feb. 8, 1864, to Loie Peck, who was born at Bologna, N.Y., March 28, 1844. Two children have been given them-Edie, born Aug. 4, 1872, and George (deceased). In 1874 Mr. Snow came to Oakley, and for two years was engaged in operating a saw-mill, after which he established his present business. He is a Mason, and a member of the Democratic party. Samuel H. Whitney, farmer, sec. 10; P. O., Chesaning; was born at Chester, Rutland Co., Vt., April 15, 1831. His parents were John and Sarah Whitney, natives of Massachusetts, the former of whom served in the war of 1812, and died in 1867. Samuel grew to mature years in Ohio. He attended the Geauga Academy, and subsequently went to Texas, where he taught school one year. In February, 1854, he came to Brady tp. During the late war, he was Provost Marshal of Brant, Brady and Fremont tps. He has filled several tp. offices, and is connected with the I. O. O. F. and the Republican party. He was married Jan. 24, 1854, to Maria Patterson, daughter of John and Eliza Patterson, natives of Cayuga Co., N. Y. Five children have been sent to seal this alliance—John M., who married Sarah Shroeder; James F., married to Luna Parker: Adeline E., wife of George Gates; Mary and Alice L. Mr. Whitney was schoolmate of James A. Garfield. Stephen W. Wickham, son of Josiah D. and Maria Wickham, was born in Onondaga Co. N. Y., July 29, 1837, and when an infant accompanied his parents to Washtenaw Co., Mich. In 1840 his mother died, and when seven years of age he went to live with John C. Southworth, of Jackson Co., Mich., with whom he remained till of age. On Aug. 9, 1862, he enlisted in Co. K, 3d. Mich. Cav., and was honorably discharged June 10, 1865. In 1871 he came to Oakley, and for six years owned a half interest in the stave and heading factory. In 1879 he opened a grocery store, which he still owns. He was married March 6, 1861, to Caroline Cook, who died in April, 1862. He was again married, Aug 22, 1866, to Ida F. Converse, who was born in Jackson Co., Mich., Aug. 9, 1850, and is a daughter of Perrin and Mary Converse. They have 3 children—Henry C., Freddie and Judson P. Mr. Wickham is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Greenback party. Chester F. Wright, merchant, Oakley, Mich., was born in Erie Co., N. Y., April 10, 1828, and is a son of Phineas R. and Martha (Richardson) Wright, natives of Vermont and New York. When 13 years old Mr. Wright accompanied his parents to Jackson Co., Mich., where he was raised. When 18 years of age he bought his "time" (his labor until 21) for $157, and started in business at burning lime, which he continued until 1873, when he sold out, and opened a store at Oakley. He was married, November, 1852, to Abigail Raymond, who bore him 10 children. Three survive—Martha A., Charles C. and Edwin. Mr. Wright is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge at Oakley, also of the Encampment. He is Democratic in politics, and an enterprising business man and citizen.
Source: History of Saginaw County Michigan, By Michael A. Leeson, Damon Clarke, Published 1881 Chas. C. Chapman & Co., Chicago pages 739-750.
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